Good Deals Heating and Cooling air conditioner repairAir conditioners are mostly used during the summer months when the temperatures and humidity are high. During those hot months, most people use their air conditioners regularly. Spring is the time of year when the weather is in transition, so it means it’s time to make sure the air conditioner is working. Before turning on your air conditioner, here are a few steps to follow:

Look at the thermostat: the checking the thermostat is crucial, if it’s not working correctly, install a new, programmable thermostat to make the system more energy efficient.

Check the ductwork: Ductwork can become disconnected allowing air to escape making the whole system overwork.

Check air vents: the air vents around the home can be blocked. Toys, drapes, and furniture can block the air vents and affect the airflow.

Check the drain line: the drain line should be clear. Keep the drain clear and if clogged, clean it out.

Change air filter: At a minimum, the air filter should be changed before each heating and cooling season. Changing air filters should be on the TO DO list for every three months.

Check electrical circuit: before turning on the air conditioner, the circuit should be connected correctly.

Inspect the condenser unit: Any spring maintenance routine should include inspecting the outdoor condenser unit. It should be clear of other equipment and debris to enhance performance.

Insulate the refrigerant lines: the refrigerant lines need to be insulated to improve the system’s efficiency. Insulation repair is for professionals only.

Inspect the outdoor wiring: inspecting the electrical wire both outside and inside. Any wear or damage should be repaired and re-installed by a professional before using the air conditioner.

After making sure the indoor and outdoor equipment are working and connected securely, test the system.

  • Lower the thermostat temperature before turning the system on.
  • Listen and make sure the fan is running and the air coming out is cool. Let the system run until the indoor temperature cools off during summer.

If you don’t feel comfortable around electrical equipment then schedule an air conditioning maintenance appointment with an HVAC professional.

For more information on air conditioner repair, contact Good Deals Heating and Cooling at 215-947-1166.