Good Deals Heating and Cooling home maintenance tipsWhen it comes to Spring, most people can’t help but do a little bit of cleaning.  Many folks just clean in a haphazard fashion – a little here, a little there.  Making a checklist of chores to be completed will keep one focused on what needs to get done.  Here are a few items to add to that list.

Test the AC Unit

It is spring, and warm weather is just around the corner.   Check to make sure the air conditioning unit is working and if it isn’t, get it repaired now before the hot temperatures of summer arrive.   In Fall, repeat the same routine for the heating system.

Check Air Filters

The HVAC system uses a filter to remove dust and other particles from the circulating air in the house.  Check this filter and replace it once a month when using the system regularly.  It is important to note that some filters can be washed/wiped and reused.

Clean the AC Drainage Hole

Almost all residential air conditioners have a little drainage hole on the bottom of the unit.  It can be found by looking for the evaporator fins.  For the unit to maintain proper function, it is important for this hole to remain clear.  Spring is a good time to take a wire, paper clip, or similar object and poke it through to ensure the water flows freely.

Clean the Dehumidifier

The dehumidifier needs to be cleaned and dried at least once a year to function at its optimum level.  To do this, remove the housing on the unit.  Allow the unit a bit of time to dry.  Once dry vacuum every accessible piece and wipe it down with a lint-free cloth.  Make sure to be gentle when doing both!

Prevent Rust on Faucet Handles

Faucet handles get wet.  That doesn’t mean they have to get rusty.  Removing the handle once a year and wiping it down will prevent rust.  If signs that rust has started to form, use a rust remover to ensure that the faucet handles will continue to operate optimally.

Battery Replacement

Most fire/life safety devices, as well as many security devices, use batteries to work.  Spring is the perfect time to replace those batteries.  Check carbon monoxide detectors, smoke detectors, cameras, and motion sensors.

Check Window and Door Seals

It isn’t uncommon for window and door seals to deteriorate, especially those that are frequently used.  Take a minute to walk around your house and check all of the seals.  This inspection will help to ensure and maintain the proper temperature in the home.

For more information or to schedule a professional check-up, contact Good Deals Heating and Cooling at 215-947-1166.