HVAC Maintenance is one of the most important tasks every household should attend during the fall as a preparation to face the winter successfully. In fact, a well-maintained HVAC system ensures reduced utility bills via better efficiency. Here are some fall HVAC Maintenance tips.
Replaced air filters and vents
As the first HVAC Maintenance step, it is necessary to replace the air filters. In fact, this is a process to be followed every month by any household. Even if the filters are not dirty, filters should be changed at least once in three months. While doing a filter replacement, it is important to have a good look at the air vents and clean them, if necessary. Properly cleaned air vents permit a free flow of warm air through the system and regulate the indoor temperature.
Conduct a thorough inspection of the HVAC system
It is every homeowner’s responsibility to do a thorough inspection of their HVAC system before the winter approaches. This time of year is when they need to contact a professional HVAC Maintenance company. Such a company can identify and suggest solutions to a variety of potential errors in the respective system.
Never rely on an old HVAC system
It is true that replacing an entire HVAC system demands a considerable amount of money. However, on the long run, a new, properly functioning system delivers benefits to any household by cutting down utility bills and demanding less maintenance work. If an HVAC system is older than ten years, it is ancient! Replacing an old HVAC system with a brand new, energy efficient model will save up to 30% of the household’s energy bill.
Have the attic insulated properly
No matter how good the HVAC system is, it cannot deliver the best performance if the attic isn’t properly insulated. A properly insulated attic will retain the warmth inside the house and reduce the workload for HVAC system.
Get a programmable thermostat installed
A programmable thermostat is a very efficient way to maintain a temperature within the home depending on the number of people present. A programmable thermostat can be set to maintain specific temperatures within the predetermined hours.
Every homeowner should pay attention to these HVAC Maintenance tips and be prepared to face the upcoming winter. For more information contact Good Deals Heating and Cooling at 215-947-1166.